Categories: ChatbotEcommerce

AI Chatbots for your E-store

We, the proud development team of the acclaimed “Qodiefy AI chatbot”, which could be used in various niches researched how this could be a beneficial eCommerce business. Go through the following to clarify what is the right decision, if you are already in two minds about having a chatbot for your online store.

What is your experience when you enter a physical store? An employee could be there to assist you which is convenient. Some customers like being assisted while others don’t. Like it or not implementing such an assisting system in your e-commerce site can drastically impact your sales. It has been shown that humans like interacting with humans. We feel like we a part of something when we connect and interact with other people. When you are happy you are more likely to be a buyer. This fundamental psychological phenomenon is the reason why there are so many so-called “chatbots” there.

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence application that is able to answer and assist people who visit your site. Below are some reasons why you should have a chatbot for your e-commerce site.

1. Increased usage of messaging apps

Facebook has become a household name. This means social media and messaging apps have become a major part in the day to day life. Businesses can deploy chatbots on these platforms, so your customers can interact with ease.

2. Customers like personalized services

Everyone likes to feel special. Customers should feel that you care about them. Interacting with them is a good way to do this and a chatbot is a great way to achieve this. This will help to improve your relationship with the customer and an improved customer relationship has a direct effect on improvements in profit.

3. No one likes to wait needlessly

A study conducted by McKinsey has shown that 75% of internet users demand help within 5 minutes or less. Instant help is a feature in chatbots. You can reduce the bounce rate with chatbots since no one will wait for you to respond when they have so many options to choose from.

4. Chatbots help to find customers what they need faster

We all love instant services. When someone visits your site you want to give them what they need as fast as possible. Remember chatbots are machine learning systems. They will not only find but suggest what’s best with their artificial intelligence.

5. Integrates with third-party apps

For a seamless experience, you could equip your e-business with a chatbot that is capable of integrating with third-party apps so well.

Regardless of whether you are a startup or an enterprise-level business, chatbots are here to equip you with new technology that assists in cost reduction to improve your relationship with customers and help your business grow in the long term.

We identified these benefits of a chatbot for eCommerce stores and that’s why we came up with the idea of a chatbot that could be customized according to your requirements. Contact us here to learn more!

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