Digital marketing for Event Planners

February 1, 2021by admin

What is Event Marketing?

Qodeify is reputed for studying and identifying the loopholes of various industries. We make finding the perfect digital solutions for them as our responsibility towards society. How digital marketing could be used by event planners? Check out our digital marketing services here and read the entire article to know more about the topic.

Even though it’s New Year, event planners are dealing with budgeting issues, understaffing, low attendee engagement etc. When you do digital marketing right, it can make your job easier. Event marketing is a promotional strategy to bring brands and their customers together. It involves face-to-face conversations at events like conferences, trade shows and seminars. Each and every brand has its own audiences, its own content and own culture. So, it deserves to be marketed in its own unique way. The event marketer has to stay on top of the event marketing game if they want to succeed. But how can you stay on the top? Let’s see a few tips that will help you.

Digital Marketing Tips for Your Event Planning


Creating content and just simply waiting for visitors to show up and engage with you will never happen. A content strategy has to involve planning and an editorial calendar, a social plan, engagement effort, optimization, conversion measurement, and more. You need to figure out who you’re addressing and what you plan to achieve before you start pumping out article after article. Every marketing effort has to be measured. It is an essential element of a successful digital marketing plan.


Interruption marketing has paid ads that are found on the right-hand side of the Facebook feed. The paid ads at the top of Google results promoted trending topics on Twitter and the sponsored hashtags, accounts, the majority of the web users will tell you that they simply ignore these ads.

Inbound marketing works quite well. It’s more focused on earning, not buying, people’s interest. Even though the former is not always easy to attain, with the right plan of action it is certainly possible.


Optimization is strict for both content and your website. Your landing pages need to be convenient and straight to the point. You need to make sure that your landing page drives users to the end result. This is where you have to use a unique selling proposition, a video or slideshow of images, the benefits of attending your meeting, client testimonials, and a solid call to action, all come together.


Businesses often think that they have fulfilled their social media duties just by posting a few messages on various social networks. But it is not, to make a real impact on social media requires a lot more effort. Like you can’t just publish the link to the registration page on Twitter every day until conference time. You have to be ever-present and engaging and make sure to answer each and every question by attendees and prospects.


You need to figure out what will work and what won’t, and also you need to leverage this data for your next event. Digital marketing is a cycle that requires 365-day engagement. It doesn’t end when your event is over. Analytics will help you find out what works best across all channels you use. You can find out where your customers are coming from by regularly evaluating the results.

This is how digital marketing and event planning relate to each other. If you are an event planner and need to grow your business digitally. Contact Us.



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