Education and Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays Artificial Intelligence [AI] is everywhere. It’s a part of our daily life. The number of companies adopting AI is increasing rapidly. AI aim the stimulation of human intelligence processes. AI is used in almost every field and it brings a lot of benefits to each of them.

That is why Qodeify as a responsible company who is bent on satisfying customer’s needs started to provide you with the AI services. We are proud to announce that we have written AI success stories all over the world. If you are interested in knowing what our AI services are, follow this link.

These changes apply to the field of education as well.  The theoretical world is becoming more comfortable and personalized thanks to the many AI applications for education. Even though the presence of teachers is essential, their role will go through a change in the years to come. The main purpose of AI is to improve the routine processes, their speed and efficiency and AI plus Machine Learning can upgrade the level of education. AI helps both students and teachers in many ways. Without a further ado let’s see the role of AI in the education field.

Benefits of AI in Education for Students

  • Personalize Education

 AI helps students to find out what they know and not. AI could build a personalized study program for each learner, based on their knowledge gaps. They understand student’s specific needs and take that into consideration for the creation of these programs.

There are companies which train their AIs to assist the students as much as possible. Providing the best quality knowledge is their prior target.

  • Do Tutoring

 Continuously developing personal study plans help student’s gap-filling during individual lessons. Personal tutoring and support, help students to keep up with their studies. Students can ask for additional help from AI-powered chatbots or AI virtual personal assistants without if they consider opening up in front of a whole class is an embarrassment. They could ask the AI again and again if they don’t understand at the first go.

  • 24/7 Access to Learning

 Students no longer have to attend physical classes to study as long as they have computers/smartphone and internet connection. Students always can access to learning online where there are AI helpers. They can study at any place they want an also they can make their schedule taking their most productive hours into consideration.

  • Less Pressure

 Because of the AI helpers, students can study without being compared with others. Unlike the early days, now students can use a personal virtual assistant to get an instant explanation.

Thanks to these opportunities offered by AI tools, students won’t face any pressure in their classrooms and hence they will be more enthusiastic in studying.

  • For Students with Special Needs

AI technologies have found new ways to interact with students who are differently abled. With the help of AI tools, even students with learning disabilities are able to study just like normal students. AI can be successfully trained to help any group of students with special needs.

Benefits of AI in Education for Teachers and Schools

  • Opportunity to identify the weaknesses

Various training courses allow identifying the gaps in students’ knowledge. For example, some platforms can notify the teacher, if most of the students have chosen the incorrect answer for a certain question. So, the teacher can pay more attention to that certain topic.

  • Curriculum automatic creating.

Teachers get huge benefits from the AI development. In these days, they don’t have to create a curriculum from the scratch. The tutors have to spend less time to search for educational materials that are necessary.

  • Opportunity to find a good teacher

Online education platforms have many teachers teaching on them, so the student can communicate with specialists even from other countries. AI educational platforms offer only appropriate tutors with teaching experience and soft skills.

So, this is how Artificial Intelligent helps for the improvement of Education. As you can see AI is helpful for both students and teachers. Both parties are capable of improving their skills when working with AI.

It is extremely important to apply the most appropriate AI services for your company. For this, you might need consultation as there are multiple factors that you should take into consideration. You don’t have to worry a bit, because Qodeify is there to help you implement the best-suited technologies for your business. We provide the most ideal solutions in a cost-effective way.

Check out our Machine learning solutions.

Here is how we do Deep Learning at Qodeify.

Read this to get an idea about how important Data Analytics services are.

Last but not the least, here you can get an idea about our Bots and Cognitive Solutions.

Contact us here.


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