Categories: Tech

Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Public Cloud

A third party serves as the provider of adaptable, on-demand information technology resources within the framework of the public cloud computing model. These resources are then made available to users via either an open or private network.

Now, let’s look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing.


  • Superior safety measures

Compared to on-premises systems, public clouds offer a significant improvement in terms of their level of security because more resources are typically allocated to its protection. Public clouds offer users access to a comprehensive set of security tools and capabilities. In addition, public clouds are subjected to frequent penetration testing and held to stringent standards. Organizations rely on the cloud for their disaster recovery needs, even in the event of unexpected outages or periods of downtime.

  • Environment with hyper-scaled components.

Will you admit when I say that trying to predict future demands and making upfront payments for hardware and storage capacity that you may never use is a thing of the past? When you use the public cloud, you can automatically increase or decrease the resources at your disposal due to shifting market conditions and changing company requirements.

  • Flexibility.

The term “cloud computing” refers to a collection of different services, but the “public cloud” is typically the one that companies choose since it offers the greatest degree of adaptability and scalability. A wide variety of managed services and support are made available by the public cloud provider to ensure that the transition to the public cloud will go off without a hitch.

  • Cost-effective.

When it comes to the public cloud, the hardware, software and bandwidth costs are handled by the service provider. Pay-per-use services can be obtained through a yearly, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly subscription.


Disadvantages of the Public Cloud


Cloud computing solutions are continuously upgraded in terms of the servers they use and the security measures they use. Despite this, there is still cause for concern over the instability of the public cloud’s services.

Listed below are some issues that can arise when using a public cloud.

  • Dependability that is compromised

When cloud services face downtime or malfunctions, the businesses that rely on those services are the ones that suffer the consequences. It has been projected that customers who rely on a particular cloud service provider might suffer losses amounting to billions of dollars if the outage lasts for three to six days.

  • Sparse cloud knowledge

Another challenge facing the cloud computing industry is the need for more skilled IT professionals. Enterprises will be ill-prepared to address the problems posed by current information technology if they do not possess the skills necessary to design and maintain the most recent cloud applications.

  • A rapidly rising cost

Keeping track of IT expenditures has gotten more challenging due to the rising complexity of cloud pricing and pricing structures. Even though cloud computing is frequently more cost-effective than on-premises options, organizations need to monitor and control their spending to avoid overpaying for the cloud services they use.

  • Limited control

Users of public clouds have little say over their IT stacks’ configurations because the provider chooses when and how these configurations are managed. 



We think that this information will help you in your projects. We have listed down the challenges of public clouds. But how to overcome those? We will provide those solutions in a separate article. Stay tuned with Qodeify.



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