Categories: SEO

SEO and Its Future

SEO which was unheard by a lot of people has started to gain attention in the present like never before. It has become a crucial part of the studies for every digital marketer. To predict the future of the industry a survey was conducted and has been published in “Best SEO companies”. The survey has given us an idea about what is going to work in SEO in the upcoming few years and how the industry is going to behave. More than 500 digital marketing experts took this survey. Read below to know how they think about the ever-evolving industry that they working are in.

1. Debate on the importance of SEO

It has been revealed that more than 75% of the specialists who took the survey believe that SEO is going nowhere in the years to come. But the industry is going to go through many changes. Some people are in doubt of how the algorithm changes are going to affect their careers. 6.3% of people believe that the importance of SEO will collapse in the years to come while close to 19% believe that the relevancy would neither increase nor collapse.

More than 37% of the SEOs are in the thought of not changing their job in a few years to come and 23% claim that their jobs are dependent on how the Google algorithm changes.

2. SEOs should get updated frequently

It’s quite a tough ask to stay current in this rapidly changing industry but that’s exactly what it demands. The SEOs have spoken out on how they are going to get updated frequently in years to come.

45% of them who took the survey revealed that online courses training are going to be their saving grace. A little bit over 42% are hoping to expand their circle of services and 40.7% say that blogs with news are the appropriate way to stay updated. Out of the people who took the survey 38% are going to depend on SEO conferences.

3. AI optimization is soon going to be a key

There were numerous responses when it came to the question “What SEO tactics are going to rule the industry for the next 5 years.  The list includes mobile optimization, voice search optimization, updating old content to many more. 31% are on the belief that AI optimization is extremely effective and 29% out of them believe that it is going to stay relevant in the upcoming 5 years as well. 20% of the 23% who thinks mobile optimization as a great tactic is on the view that the fact won’t change in the upcoming 5 years as well.

4. Content quality is going to rule

It is important to know what the experts are thinking about the factors that Google is considering when they are ranking the websites. According to 46% of them, the quality of the content would be Google’s priority in ranking in in years to come. Social shares, accessibility and mobile-friendliness had more than 40% of votes each when it comes to the perceptions of SEO specialists on what’s going to work in the upcoming years.

5. Common frustrations and ethics

Another important point was addressed in the survey and it is the sentiments and ethics that the SEOs have towards the industry.

There are some general frustrations in all IT related industries and some specific ones. When it comes to SEO 44% pointed out short deadlines as the most frustrating part.

Frustrating clients, repetitive tasks, creative burnouts and ineffective projects were pointed out by some as the negatives of their job.

14% of the people in SEO have dealt with unethical competitors in their careers and 39% admitted themselves being unethical at least once.

So you heard from the experts how important SEO is and how important it is going to be in the future.

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