Categories: SEO

5 Tips You Need to Know About SEO for Small Businesses

Making yourself found online is significantly different from getting people to see you in real life. Market competition for a place on Google rankings is exceptionally high. You may be the best at what you do, but if someone is easier to find through a simple Google search, it won’t be long until your online voice is drowned out. Hence it is critical to know how to be seen online, especially for small businesses.

Here are 5 such points you could utilize:

1. Setting up Google Analytics
2. Identifying your keywords
3. Internal Linking
4. Creation of content
5. Optimizing the website speed

Let’s jump right into these 5 SEO tips for small businesses!

1. Setting up Google Analytics

In making future marketing and business decisions, it will be helpful if you get to know where your website is getting traffic from. This is when Google Analytics will come in handy. A site’s traffic origins can be tracked using Google Analytics.

When you have Google Analytics set up for your website, you can get to know how many people are coming to your site from which sources, understand which pages receive the most traffic, and analyze those visitors’ demographics.

2. Identifying your keywords

When planning your online journey, keeping a list of the most important keywords is essential. You can use tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner in this process. With this free tool, It is possible to see how many people search for a particular term. When you identify what people are searching for, you can use those keywords for your website and ad campaigns.

3. Internal Linking

A small business website needs to have numerous different pages on it. There should be sufficient information about your business, including your company’s contact information, and they should be easily accessible to your site’s visitors. It’s a good idea to link to each other’s pages on your website, and it will be good for SEO.

How? Let us explain. One of your service or product pages may rank higher in SERPs if several pages are linked to it. It will send Google a signal that your website’s page authority is high. It also encourages visitors to explore the other pages of your site.

4. Creation of content

It’s not a one-and-done task like most SEO, and it requires you to keep doing this continuously. Your website will benefit immensely if you post new content regularly. This content could be blog posts, photos, videos, etc. Also, it’s not a waste of time to go back and check for errors and replace old links with new ones because Google recognizes websites that update their old and fresh content.

5. Optimizing the website speed

This point comes under technical SEO and is very important for small businesses. One of the biggest blunders you can make is to have a slow-loading website. The visitors will be tempted to leave your site if it takes too long to load. It will make way for your competitors. Therefore optimizing your website’s loading time with site speed optimization strategies is necessary if you want to outrank your small business rivals in the search engine results.

Last Word

You’ll need to get familiar with the concepts presented here and apply them to start your online journey. Throughout the years, we have understood that most small businesses don’t have the time or resources to devote to search engine optimization (SEO).

Qodeify’s SEO services have helped companies of all sizes and sectors improve their rankings and sales. Contact us now if you are looking for first-class and affordable SEO services.

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