Categories: Web Development

The Core Benefits of Progressive Web Applications

A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a website that appears and acts like a mobile app. Users may add it to their smartphone’s home screen. PWAs may deliver push notifications, access mobile device hardware, and even function offline even a shaky connection.

Core benefits of PWA

1. Offline availability

If your internet connection is slow or non-existent, your website will not display correctly. Mobile applications, on the other hand, are often self-contained and could be used even when the user is not connected to the internet. As a result, they’re more accessible and encourage participation. This is what PWAs also provide.

2. Experience similar to the native-apps

There are no many differences between PWAs and mobile apps except for the dynamic data and the database. Most PWAs take advantage of existing frameworks and UX/UI that enable them to provide better user experiences than traditional websites. PWAs, on the other hand, function similarly to websites and are search engine indexable, which helps to increase their market exposure.

3. Easy installation

Users may download a PWA from a website and install it immediately on their device. A PWA, like a mobile app, has its own icon on phones and tablets. Furthermore, you may submit your software to the Google Play Store for more exposure (the Apple App Store currently does not allow this).

4. No app store submission

You don’t have to put your PWA in the app store. As a positive consequence, companies are spared with time and effort they otherwise might spend in submitting their apps to app stores. Also, teams may send new updates to users without having to wait for approvals – the changes are downloaded and updated immediately when users reload the app.

5. Use of hardware features

Push notifications, for example, maybe implemented using PWAs. The best part is that developers have complete control over their implementation, which might open up new marketing and sales opportunities for organizations. PWAs may also take advantage of hardware characteristics like geolocation and camera on mobile devices.


PWAs are expected to replace 50% of mobile applications by 2020, according to Gartner. PWA is a rapidly growing technology that many experts feel will be the future of mobile development. Many data-driven business apps that do not require native development and deployment will very certainly be developed as PWAs. Business-to-Employee applications are an example of this. If native applications are excellent PWA prospects, there’s no reason to spend a lot of effort and money developing them. Users, on the other hand, don’t download and maintain as many apps on their smartphones as they formerly did. That’s why companies will search for methods to reduce expenses for mobile development – and that’s when they’ll turn to PWA.

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