Achieved 30+ keywords on #1 Page of Google’s top 5 Results.

Grew 10.6% total traffic with 32.13% in organic traffic.


The client wanted to build their organic ranking and relevant search traffic to increase online query for the website. Also, The website was not optimized and lots of technical issues were present on the website.


We analyzed the website and created an audit report which documented all the possible issues (URL Canonicalization, Duplicate Content, Duplicate meta titles & descriptions, H1 Heading tag, missing ALT Tags, Broken 404 error links, XML Sitemap, Page load Speed, Responsiveness, Mobile-First Indexing etc.) After the approval, the site was cleaned and fresh SEO work was done.


After a successful execution of our strategies, within 6 months we achieved around 30 keywords On #1 Page of Google’s top 5 Results and grew 10.6% total traffic with 32.13% in organic traffic.

30+ Keywords on Google SERP
10.6% Total Traffic
32.13% Organic Traffic

“I had the privilege of working with Qodeify team who helped us out in doing the search engine optimization for our website. We were very impressed with the results they have delivered to us. We highly recommend Qodeify for any individual or organization seeking a fair and awesome SEO service.”

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