Categories: Web Design

4 Key Web Design Recommendations

4 Web Design Recommendations and Best Practices

It’s not hard to think of a concept for the design of your website, but are you confident in your ability to put everything together in such a way that it results in the best possible design? This post from Qodeify will walk you through 4 web design recommendations/tips and best practices you should follow while developing your dream website.

1. Pay more attention to call-to-actions (CTAs)

When you are developing a website for your organization, the “Call-to-Action” is an extremely crucial component. It is basically an element that could make or break a customer’s decision, and as a result, a CTA will most definitely affect sales.

The presence of a call to action provides the client with information that helps them answer the question, “why should I click this button?” A well-designed call to action should make it easier for users to browse and comprehend the actions they will take in the future.

When it comes to the design of a website, it’s pretty clear that a call to action (CTA) is a particularly important component. Creating a call to action button is not a challenging task. Nevertheless, optimizing it in such a way that it could bring in a sale is a challenging task.

2. Utilizing dark backgrounds

An increasing number of UI designers are opting for dark themes rather than light ones. Mainly it is done in order to give the user interfaces they’ve built a stylish outlook. There are many different explanations for this phenomenon.

The primary justification is that users’ eyes would not become fatigued due to the dark background. It is obvious that it is simpler to read news and blog articles with a humorous focus in a condensed amount of time. On the other hand, when we have to work for an extended period of time, it is best to have a dark theme with a light font—doing so results in improved readability and legibility.

You should go for a dark theme if the surrounding atmosphere suggests it. Do you have experience with either Netflix or Spotify? The user interfaces of each of them are styled gloomily. This is due to the fact that, in order to unwind and relax, most individuals enjoy watching movies and listening to music.

The Independent Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) found that the majority of customers (63%) listen to music when they are unwinding at home. When it comes to Netflix, research has shown that its customers choose to watch movies and television shows late at night or in a room with the lights turned down low.

3. Use of illustrations

The year 2023 is almost here, and developers are keen on employing graphics on their websites. When opposed to text, illustration is generally more effective when it comes to grabbing their attention. The presence of this kind of element may encourage a user to continue scrolling the scrollbar.

Custom illustration is beneficial for a number of reasons, one of which is that it increases the visibility and recall of a brand. Illustrations are the one thing that can truly set a business apart and provide an unforgettable experience for its audience.

4. Use of negative spaces

Designers have been making greater use of negative space in recent years than they ever have before for a variety of reasons.

However, the first application of the concept of negative space was in photography, where it was understood to refer to the area surrounding the primary subject.

This aspect of web design refers to the empty space that can be found among and surrounding other elements such as typography, buttons, texts, and lines, amongst other things. The benefits of keeping negative spaces include ensuring that there is a balance between components such as words and pictures, bringing together elements that are close together and far apart to create contrast, and bringing clarity to the connection between the layout and the component.


And all of us here at Qodeify are hopeful that you may find some use for our web design recommendations in some capacity or another. Contact us if you have any web design and development requirements. We are here to help. In addition to that, make sure that you are following us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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