WhatsApp Criticizes Apple’s Privacy Labels

December 11, 2020by admin

Facebook has never appreciated the privacy measures of Apple. The same applies for WhatsApp as well. According to the latest privacy label requirements of Apple, the developer of a third party software needs to reveal what data of the users are being collected. Then only Apple would allow them to create new privacy levels on App Store. This policy doesn’t apply for the first party Apps and it is unfair, says WhatsApp. A spokesperson of WhatsApp told Axios that, these policies are anti-competitive as they doesn’t apply for Apple’s homegrown applications like iMessage. According to him this deprives the users of comparison opportunities.

Though WhatsApp was against Apple’s privacy label requirement policy, they have submitted the label information on December 7th clarifying what they collect when it functions. As per their statements, the data include phone number of the user, IP address, profile information, contacts and payment information if the user gives permission and the usage data with the intention of providing improved service. They went on to say that WhatsApp is clueless about the location of the user and the message that the users send.

Apple responded to these allegations and claimed that there is no partiality here, and that these information requirements according to the privacy policy apply to everyone not excluding themselves. Even Apple’s own software should go through the required procedures. They added that, there is no page for iMessages on the App Store, but its privacy information are there on Apple’s official website. Apple cited out these facts countering the allegations against their privacy policies.

But it is certain that this allegation would remain an allegation because neither WhatsApp nor its mother company “Facebook” have not sued Apple for their privacy label requirement policy.

During the Worldwide Developers Conference in June, Apple introduced labels for the first time to ensure that user gets to know what data are acquired by the apps when you download them. One more thing should be noted down here. Although WhatsApp alleges Apple for their privacy label requirements, Facebook which rules over WhatsApp has been accused for its data collection policies for multiple times. This complaint has affected the reputation of Apple as well because now questions have been raised on its allegedly anti-competitive practices.


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