Reddit reveals the daily active users for the first time in their 15 year history

December 2, 2020by admin

Reddit is an appropriate platform for you if you want your content to reach a wider audience. The “Redditors” will ’upvote’ or ‘downvote’ your content based on their preference. The more your content gets upvotes that much it will rise up in Reddit’s rankings.

You might be wondering, these articles or the news you read could be just personal opinions. Are they reliable? A study by American Press Institute conducted in 2016 has proven that Reddit is at the 2nd place of social media platforms when it comes to reliability of information and news. LinkedIn topped the list earning the trust of 23% of people who took the survey and Reddit was not far behind with 22%.

Just like the tagline for Facebook is “quick and easy”, Reddit goes with the tagline of “front page of the internet”. Reddit has always maintained the stats revealing their annual users a secret from the rest of the industry and the general public. For the first time in the history Reddit has come out with some stats on their users.

Reddit revealed to the “Wall Street Journal” and we quote, “there were 52 million daily active users during the month of October in the year of 2020”. That was not all as they went on saying that, this is a 44% rise from the number they had one year earlier.

The operating chief of Reddit Jen Wong stated that they will likely get a 70% jump from last year’s ad revenue in 2020. A point to be noted here that this growth came amidst of COVID-19 pandemic. He further shared that the stats were given out as Reddit wanted to stay intact with the industry practices and to provide an accurate reflection on their growth.

During the last quarter Twitter had 187 million daily users. In Facebook it was over 1.8 billion. So, if we compare Reddit with the above social media giants, the number of daily users is significantly low. But this is never a bad number as Reddit has shown a great potential to grow.

Reddit has started to ban the hate speech communities who are spreading negativity across the platform. This could be a result of the history, where marketers opt out of advertising in Reddit as they did not want to expose their brand in front of toxic audiences. But some people are against this, and what they believe is that these restrictions will limit the freedom of expression and speech the users have currently in Reddit.



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